
4th Annual Open House – May 17  Register Today

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What to Expect in the Institute’s Ayurvedic Studies Program 3

Back when the Ayurvedic Institute was originally founded in 1984 by Dr. Lad, there were only two levels of education offered in the Ayurvedic Studies Program; ASP1 and ASP2. Now, as the Ayurvedic Institute has evolved, expanded and moved locations a third level of the Ayurvedic Studies Program has become available: ASP 3.Before enrolling in […]

Cultivating Your Inner Garden: Why Ayurveda offers the Best Approach to Personalized Healing

Ayurveda’s rise in popularity continues to grow as the vedic philosophy expands westwards, with products, diets and supplements hitting shelves. So many individuals have become frustrated with the ineffectiveness of the western medical model and their “one size fits all” approaches. While it can be empowering to reject this outdated pharmaceutical option, it can often […]

Ayurvedic Qualifications

As the global interest in Ayurveda continues to grow, many turn towards this ancient vedic science to deepen their pre-existing practices or begin to take their first step working in alternative medicine. Although this new found acceptance has popularized this alternative modality, there are still many legal restrictions in the United States that healers at […]