4th Annual Open House – May 17 Register Today
Nishita’s journey in the study of Ayurveda began when she attended the Ayurvedic Studies Program Level 1. She continued on to complete the Level 2 program as an Ayurvedic Practitioner. She feels truly blessed that Ayurveda fell into her lap at an opportune time. Prior to her studies at The Ayurvedic Institute, she attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham where she received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She continues to be fascinated by the ways in which her Ayurvedic studies intersect with the field of psychology. While studying at the Ayurvedic Institute she had the great fortune to learn Ayuryoga® with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc. She received a 500-hour Ayuryoga® certification and has assisted in numerous Yoga Teacher Trainings. In her private practice, prior to joining the faculty at the Ayurvedic Institute, her work has been fueled by a passion for nutrition and yoga. She is thrilled to bring her love and appreciation for these subjects into the classroom.
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