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Spicy Sauteed Asparagus

From Ayurveda Today, Volume 14, Number 1, Summer 2001

Serves 4 Asparagus is astringent, sweet, cooling and a diuretic. It is balancing, tridoshic and mildly laxative. Vata can add a little more cayenne, pitta more cumin seeds and kapha more mustard seeds. A quick summer recipe for veggie goodness. Doshic Notes Vata = Pitta = Kapha =


2 cups (or about 3/4 pound) asparagus 1 Tbs. ghee 1 pinch black mustard seeds 1 pinch cumin seeds 1 pinch cayenne 1 pinch salt



Wash the asparagus well and snap off the tough ends. Slice across the spears once, cutting them in half. Heat a shallow saucepan and put in the ghee, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and cayenne. Let the seeds pop then add the asparagus and salt. Sauté, stirring gently, for 4 to 5 minutes. Cover, take off the heat, and let the pan sit on the back of the stove for a few minutes.
Recipe excerpted with permission from Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing by Usha and Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc. Book is available here.

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The spiritual journey starts here

Picture of Vasant Lad BAM&S, MASc

Vasant Lad BAM&S, MASc

A native of India, he served for three years as Medical Director of the Ayurveda Hospital in Pune, India. He was Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Pune University College of Ayurvedic Medicine for 15 years. He holds a Bachelor’s of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAM&S) degree from the University of Pune and a Master’s of Ayurvedic Science (MASc) degree from Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya. The author of numerous books, Vasant Lad is respected throughout the world for his knowledge of Ayurveda.