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The key to immunity and longevity: What is Ojas and how to cultivate it

What is Ojas?

The Ayurvedic concept of Ojas corresponds to the modern Western conception of immunity, encompassing the resilience of the body’s digestive, nervous, endocrine and hematopoietic systems. It is both a biological substance and an energetic principle which enables the body and mind of an individual to resist disease and thrive in strength, love and vitality.

In Ayurveda, the three doshas or governing energies of the body; Vata, Pitta and Kapha are said to be derived from the five great elements or panchamahabhutas; Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Vata is made up of Space and Air, Pitta of Fire and Water and Kapha of Water and Earth.

Ojas, along with Tejas and Prana are said to be the essence of each of these doshas. Ojas is the subtle essence of Kapha dosha, and in particular the water element while Prana relates to Vata and Tejas to Pitta. So, we can think of the qualities of Ojas as the most purified form of Kapha and the Water element. Often, Ojas is likened to ghee as a substance as they share similar intensely nourishing and healing qualities.


The functions of Ojas

Why is it that, when exposed to the same pathogens or the same imbalancing factors, one person may get sick and another does not? The answer, according to Ayurveda, is Ojas. Whether disease arises from within; for example from undigested thoughts, emotions or experiences that crystallize in the body’s tissues, or from outside as is the case with bacteria and viruses, the strength of Ojas will determine whether or not these fluctuations will actually manifest and come into expression as a disease. If the strength of an individual’s Ojas is superior to the strength of the disease, the disease will not manifest. If, indeed, the strength of the disease is superior to that of Ojas, then disease; whether it be acute or chronic, mild or intense, will manifest.

This all being said, the main function of Ojas is to protect against imbalance and disease. Ojas also protects the body from aging and general decay and maintains the health and stability of the seven dhatus (body tissues), three malas (channels of waste; feces, urine and sweat), and three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

On a more subtle level, the type of superfine Ojas, of which each individual is said to only have 8 drops residing in the heart, is said to stabilize consciousness in the physical body. It helps to keep the heart beating and maintains the span of life. Without Ojas, there is no life.

That being said, one of the main symptoms of Ojas disturbance or depletion is frequently being sick.

In the same way that the milk of a cow has to transgress various processes to become ghee, Ojas is the product of metabolism of Kapha dosha in the body.

Beatrice Voss, CAP, RYT-200

Beatrice has studied under Vasant Lad, and is passionate about sharing the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda to help others heal themselves.

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