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The Ayurvedic Institute is offering a weeklong intensive dedicated to exploring specific pathologies in particular pathways/systems in a live clinical setting. Normally, our clinical programs are open only to Ayurvedic Studies Program and Gurukula students. Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician will present a full understanding of how pathogenesis moves through a srotas (the pathway or tissues system) and then engage in consultation with live clients who exhibit those symptoms in a clinical setting. This way the participant will learn the pathology and then observe Vasant Lad in clinic assessing and treating the client. The program is open to Ayurvedic professionals as well as licensed professionals who specialize in that day’s topic. An Ayurvedic practitioner may sign up for the entire week. The licensed professional may sign up only for the day that is his/her specialty.
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