
4th Annual Open House – May 17  Register Today

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Bodywork for Healing: Standalone Panchakarma Therapies

Part 1

Bodywork for Healing: Standalone Panchakarma Therapies

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Ayurveda offers a profusion of treatment and therapy options. Often a client will come to the practitioner and require a body therapy along with their protocol. Even though we are accustomed to thinking of these body treatments as a part of panchakarma, in this case the therapy will be given outside of the paradigm of panchakarma. This seminar will dive into the numerous body therapies and offer guidelines as to when and how to use them. Join Vasant Lad, Ayurvedic Physician, and his staff in exploring the use of body therapies as standalone treatments. This is a hands-on intensive that will offer both theoretical knowledge of the therapy as well as a hands-on opportunity to begin to learn how to administer the therapy.

Part 2