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Conscious Cooking with Ayurveda

Part 1

Conscious Cooking with Ayurveda

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

True nourishment happens when we cook and eat with awareness. This includes awareness of:

  • agni, our digestive fire
  • our state of mind while cooking and when eating
  • the basic principles of Ayurvedic food combining
  • of the medicinal properties of the spices, vegetables and other ingredients in our kitchens and on our plates

Ayurveda says that when cooking is performed with awareness and love, not only is the body nourished but the mind and consciousness as well, leading to enhanced health and wholeness with every bite.

During this weekend seminar (a favorite at The Ayurvedic Institute), we transform our classroom into an Ayurvedic kitchen filled with delicious sights, sounds, smells and tastes that nourish all of the senses. Through observation, demonstrations and hands-on participation, you will learn from Usha and Vasant Lad how to prepare delicious dishes using proper ingredients and techniques and then enjoy a flavorful feast as a class.

In addition to hands-on cooking demonstrations, this weekend provides a thorough introduction to Ayurvedic nutrition from Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc. Learn how to create an appropriate and individualized diet using the ingredients and spices that are best for you. Understand the five elements and six tastes inherent in all food. Gain an appreciation for the subtle energies that affect digestion, like seasons, time of day, environment and more. You will return home prepared and inspired to bring a new level of awareness to your cooking!

Part 2