Join our next Admissions Webinar February 24 Register Today
According to Ayurveda, when emotions are unprocessed and psychological memories unreleased, they lodge in deep connective tissues and organs, resulting in fear, anxiety, anger, grief, and unhealthy cravings that adversely affect your physical, mental, and spiritual health and vitality.
During this weekend seminar with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, you will be given tools with which to explore the inherent strengths and weaknesses of your nature (manas prakruti) and examine the current state of your mind (manas vikruti). From this starting point of honest self-inquiry, a journey of true healing can begin. Vasant Lad will guide you using time-tested ways to release stagnant emotions and heal psychological trauma using meditation, pranayama, diet, lifestyle, and other practical techniques that can be incorporated immediately into your daily life. We will end our weekend with a Vedic Fire Ceremony for healing. The knowledge we’ll share together will help you to go beyond the mind, to the true nature of bliss.
“Psychological stress is caused by not being in the present moment, as it is. In the present moment, we see ‘what is’ and immediately we create stress by seeing the opposite of this, which is ‘what should be’, ‘could be’ and ‘would be.’ These are mere ideas.”
~ Vasant Lad
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