4th Annual Open House – May 17 Register Today
Life is a tapestry woven with the fiber of relationships: between friends, family and coworkers; between mind, body and consciousness; with the world around us and with our own thoughts, feelings and emotions. All of these relationships must be absolutely clear in order to bring balanced health to body, mind and consciousness and to resolve the emotional stress and trauma that unravel the tapestry of our daily lives. In this weekend seminar with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, you will explore life’s many relationships and their important roles as a mirror of your own mind. Through the lens of Ayurveda, we will come to understand the manifestations and states of mind that prevent us from properly digesting life experiences, resulting in relationships that are clogged, congested and stagnant with unresolved emotions. Using prashna (questioning) and nadi pariksha (pulse analysis), Vasant Lad will guide us in discerning our own state of mind. You will learn the ways that diet, lifestyle, meditation and other therapies can resolve emotional trauma. Drawing from decades of clinical experience, he will share how these techniques—when incorporated into a daily routine—bring clarity, purity, consistency and wholeness to our lives and to our relationships.
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