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Introduction to Ayurveda: Exploring the Science of Life

Part 1

Introduction to Ayurveda: Exploring the Science of Life

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Whether you are brand new to Ayurveda and looking for an introduction or wanting to understand better the information you already have, you can expand your knowledge of the foundational principles of this ancient science with this intensive. These principles provide a detailed foundation on which to pursue deeper knowledge. You can also immediately begin applying Ayurvedic concepts and elements of an Ayurvedic lifestyle into your existing routine.

To understand something completely, to really understand it, to know it, is to have an experience of it. By attending this weeklong intensive with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, who presents Ayurveda completely from beginning to end, it is possible to gain a true understanding of how the pieces are connected and the whys behind what is recommended and what isn’t. This knowledge is not just a lesson to memorize a list. Vasant Lad teaches you to understand how the body, mind, and spirit are all one, not separate, and how causes or experiences in one realm, if not attended to, can start affecting the others. He shows you that not all physical ailments are rooted in the physical realm.

Learn how Ayurveda describes health, studies disease, and organizes the physical body into structural tissues and functional channels. Find your unique Ayurvedic prakruti (constitution) through pulse. Discover what an Ayurvedic practitioner looks for, asks, and does during a consultation and observe Vasant Lad working with clients in a clinical setting. Learn the reasoning behind Ayurvedic lifestyle, diet, meditation, tips, and techniques, including how to prepare some basic Ayurvedic dishes at home.

Use the knowledge gained during this week to deepen your experience of our subsequent summer intensives such as Pulse and Marma and as a gift of personal enrichment and self-healing. Join Vasant Lad BAM&S, MASc, in this experiential journey through the mysteries of life.

Part 2