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Pulse Reading for Improved Clinical Skill

Part 1

Pulse Reading for Improved Clinical Skill

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

In any system of medicine, pulse assessment is a matter of technical skill, subjective experience, intuition and persistent practice. In the Ayurvedic tradition it is the most important of eight clinical examination methods, opening the doors of perception to a client’s physical and mental prakruti (constitution), vikruti (current imbalance), disease prognosis, organ energy and tissue health. Even the functioning of chakras can be perceived by a practitioner with enough sensitive awareness.

Ayurvedic practitioners will benefit from this week-long immersion into the impulse of life, as witnessed through the pulse. With over 40 years of clinical experience, Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc will explain the theory behind the seven characteristics and seven layers of the pulse and guide participants through specific aspects of their assessment.

In addition, The Ayurvedic Institute staff will guide daily partner and group work and facilitate activities for increasing intuition and sensitive awareness.

Prepare to begin – or deepen – your practice of nadi vijnanam, the art of reading the pulse, in what has become the Ayurvedic Institute’s most popular summer intensive.

Part 2