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Pulse, the Music of Life: Guided Practice in Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment

Part 1

Pulse, the Music of Life: Guided Practice in Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Pulse is the throb of Consciousness, the music of life, and we invite you to learn how to listen during this week-long, experiential summer intensive with Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc.

In any medical system, assessing pulse requires technical skill, subjective experience and intuition. Accuracy develops with persistent practice and sensitive awareness. Whether you are new to pulse assessment and seeking a solid foundation with which to begin, or you are an experienced practitioner pursuing a deeper level of understanding and practice, this intensive will be illuminating. Prepare to immerse yourself in the qualities, levels and subtleties of the pulse through lecture, plenty of time for practice with your classmates and Vasant Lad over the course of this very special week.

Here’s what participants had to say about last summer’s Pulse Intensive:

“Beautiful – all of it. Peaceful and sweet vibration, solid organization and structure, inspiring lectures full of info and insight and lovely fellowship. And so much hands-on in so little time! Thank you beyond words!” – Susan

“Vasant Lad is an absolutely incredible teacher! He taught me so much, about not only Ayurveda but spirituality and life itself! His teachings truly touch the heart and fulfill the spirit.” – Sirena

“I have a much deeper understanding of the subtlety of pulse assessment and the importance of getting out of my own head – trusting in my inner knowing and guidance.” – Amy

Part 2