According to Ayurveda, the five great elements – Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and three gunas – sattva, rajas and tamas, are the basic constituents of every individual’s body.
The body is made up of space. There is a cellular space, intracellular space, space in the system, and space in the brain. However, we have very little space in our mind. The space of the mind is pre-occupied by judgment, criticism, likes, and dislikes. Because we have so little space, we have less love. Love is space and freedom, just as space is love and freedom.
Mantra is the vibration of etheric space. When we say a mantra, that mantra unfolds the space. Every mantra has a unique space, and that space has definite dimension and shape. In the Sanskrit language, every word is a vibration of sound and every sound has a shape. Therefore, every word has a shape. Mantra is a secret formula that unfolds the space within. The sound of a mantra, for radical transformation, is actually a practical, clinical application of sound for healing the body, mind, and consciousness.
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