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The Smokeless Flame of Attention: Spiritual Healing through Mantra and Meditation

Part 1

The Smokeless Flame of Attention: Spiritual Healing through Mantra and Meditation

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

“Through meditation and yogic practice, one can become liberated and realized while living in the body.” – Vasant Lad Mantra — a syllable, word, or group of words that illuminate consciousness, bringing clarity, understanding, stillness, peace, and prolonged concentration—convey a message to the body, mind and spirit that is beyond the scope of the intellectual or verbal mind. Ayurveda uses certain sounds for healing, and certain mantras have the hidden potential to unfold the heart’s truth and bring happiness, bliss, and enlightenment through their incredible power of healing and transformation. Meditation plays a most important part in daily life and is a powerful tool to help maintain health. While the dictionary says that the term meditation means “to think, to ponder, to go through and examine,” this definition does not impart the profound meaning of the word at all. Meditation is an action of clear perception, an observation with total awareness and without any conclusion, judgment, or criticism. Meditation opens the door to higher consciousness and changes the qualities of one’s individual consciousness. Spend a weekend delving into the profound realm of awareness, consciousness, mantra, and meditation with Vasant Lad. Discover your Prakruti Sound®, the mantra of your genetic code that vibrates in your cells and leads to inner peace. Explore the mantra purusha, a map of the physical body and its corresponding seed sounds. Learn techniques of meditation to incorporate into a life-changing daily practice, and end the weekend with a healing agni hotra, a special fire ceremony done at sunrise or sunset.

Part 2