
4th Annual Open House – May 17  Register Today

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Unfolding Healing Power through Mantra

Part 1

Unfolding Healing Power through Mantra

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Below is full lecture outline (Friday lectures are just an Introduction)

Mantra is a sacred sound that can take an individual beyond time and space. Explore the power of sound unfolding through the body’s subtle channels.

Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc, Ayurvedic Physician, will guide the students to experience their own sound. He will teach the participants the finer points of mantras such as prakruti, gender, time, and meter. Mantra can roast the seeds of past life karma. Students will see how mantra enhances concentration and contemplation. They will see how this concentration will allow them the space to live in this very moment.

Part 2