4th Annual Open House – May 17 Register Today
Vishnu Dass is an Ayurvedic Doctor (NAMA), clinical herbalist, massage therapist, Vedic astrologer, author, educator and mentor with over two decades of full-time clinical and teaching experience. He studied and trained under the guidance of Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc and graduated the ASP & Gurukula clinical program the Ayurvedic Institute in 2000. He established Blue Lotus Ayurveda in Asheville,
North Carolina in 2001, and has served the local community through his family practice and Panchakarma clinic for over two decades. For six years, he held the position lead instructor and Dean of Education for the Ayurveda Wellness Program at the Asheville school of Massage and Yoga. His years of hands-on
clinical experience and knowledge of traditional and Western herbal medicine, combined with nutrition, massage, fitness, yoga and meditation are woven together in his practical and inspired teaching style. He is the author of Ayurvedic Herbology East & West. He has been a student of Sri Baba Hari Dass since 1992.
Yoga and meditation continue to inform his life and practice deeply.
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